Four Poems by Miri Karraker


fricative step grinds leaf scent wetted on stone 
you hesitate a question 
it would be that even so as it may 

to be that rustle of leaves 
(goldfinch slips through) just somebody 
gone before my gaze’s arrival 

that particular yellow, I wish I had believed it when I saw it (the first time)


no, not that it would be 
no, not the same 
no, not a thing 
no, not them there
no, not it there 
no, not you 
no, not anybody but me 
no, not anyone without 
no, not somebody with 
no, not someone in 
no, not everyone out
no, not everything with 
no, not nobody there 
no, not nothing


Why was the fact lonely?
It was too ugly to be believed.


no not goldfinch that’s house sparrow
don’t ever fuck
that force: air between lip and teeth
a flex

poetry is not a luxury nor is grief

I believe it all, goldfinch after goldfinch
you can lie but I’ll know
how many I know too many
gone I know


Miri Karraker lives and works in Minneapolis.